Implementing good practices in Portugal

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IMPLEMENTING OUTREACH, EMPOWERMENT, DIVERSITY. KERIGMA in cooperation with IEFP (Professional job and training institute) reached out to disadvantaged learners who haven’t had the same access to education or have had difficulties in following the traditional educational path. These include people from disadvantaged groups like Roma people, people with learning disabilities, problems with addiction, people with mental health problems, etc.

In this workshop we talked with people about how learning has impacted their lives and how being able to start learning again has influenced their life and what their expectations are for the future impact of said learning.

Kerigma’s role

Kerigma has the responsibility of educating and validating the skills of these learners to give them a better chance of getting a job in the future. Kerigma has invited trainers from multiple areas, such as Psychology, Foreign Languages and Information Technology to validate the skills and help filling the knowledge gaps where needed. This is done through the RVCC process (recognition and validation of skills). After going through this process of validation the learners can attain a certain qualification, either professional (validating a professional skill if the person in question has 3 or more years of experience in a profession but has no formal validation of skills for it) or school qualification (9th grade and 12th grade).

What we aim for

This kind of training and education is aimed at people that most in need of education and an upgrade of their skills. This is a good example of Outreach in action. Kerigma will organize more courses like this in the near future. As an institution that is rooted in Social Development this is one of the best ways to contribute to a better future, by giving power to people through the means of education.

Text and photo: Kerigma